A custom chain parser for the Desmos Network chains
swag-ts is a simple and fast code generator written in Go that creates typescript interfaces and enu...Read more
Parse a kea-dhcp4 leases file and generate a html overview
Network logging daemon written in Go
Use SQL to instantly query Buildkite users, pipelines, builds & more. Open source CLI. No DB require...Read more
Use SQL to instantly query Doppler projects, environments, secrets & more. Open source CLI. No DB re...Read more
The internal CLI tool of aqua
A gofiber/fiber middleware to add basic but very useful Prometheus metrics for your Golang app.
Myanmar NRC(National Registration Card) Tool for Golang
Basic Customer gRPC API written in Golang with CLI Client and REST API through gRPC gateway
CommandLine tool for Hworld
Golang web app for solving complex mechanical engineering calculations
`injest` wraps input in a joke and outputs it to stdout
💬 Simple cli tool to create telegram bot behaving like tee
A rewrite of debate dragon in go. Cuz typescript sucks...