Happy Hacktober! :octocat: This is a beginner friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfes...Read more
This Repo is created for Hacktoberfest 2022 .You can contribute your DSA CODES here,First Create an ...Read more
[ORIGIN] no, this is just an image viewer (forked from http://sourceforge.net/projects/pornview/)
Repositório para meus projetos na linguagem C
Zabbix loadable module for monitoring IPC facilities
Some important data structures and algorithms implemented in C/C++ programming languages.
Mysensors node ATTiny85.+ NRF24l01 + BME280 (I2C)
Repo made for course in SECOM XI
Spreading some love for new contributors. Best first issue for everybody!
This will be a bootloader like CHUGGA chugga chugga CHUGGA chugga chugga CHOO CHOOOOOOO
Create hacktober pull requests
General purpose single header library in C99
A terminal based quiz system
A simple Air Hockey game written in C++ with OpenGL
These are two scripts written in C for dynamic and live wallpapers. They only work on Windows!
Special tools for unlocking KGB secrets
Algorithms and data structures practice codes