Access to the native OS clipboard from NodeJS
Development repository for the mingw cookbook
🎨 colorized outputs for bash scripting
Experimental game engine for a learning purpose
Código de prueba para los slides de las clases, para bajar, probar y romper
C function for converting IOReturn values to text
A Fish Expansion For DayZ written in C, Enforce Script, and JSON.
Repositório para meus projetos na linguagem C
Zabbix loadable module for monitoring IPC facilities
Some important data structures and algorithms implemented in C/C++ programming languages.
A network Feige-Fiat-Shamir zero-knowledge proof identity protocol
Dijkstra algorithm implementation in C
In this repo, we will add different codes and functionalities of Arduino.
CyberStudents CTF Archive - challenges & write-ups from previous rounds
Happy Hacktober! :octocat: This is a beginner friendly repository made specifically for Hacktoberfes...Read more
This Repo is created for Hacktoberfest 2022 .You can contribute your DSA CODES here,First Create an ...Read more