911 repositories for c

JSON database of every Homebrew Hub entries. Propose here additions, improvements and fixes, every change propagates to Homebrew Hub.
The successor of GNU Wget. Contributions preferred at https://gitlab.com/gnuwget/wget2. But accepted here as well 😍
Core c99 package for AWS SDK for C. Includes cross-platform primitives, configuration, data structures, and error handling.
C99 library implementation of AWS client-side authentication: standard credentials providers and signing.
Need some help with your college codes? This repo will help you out with all the codes and concepts with learning resources.
Machine Learning API (Origin: C++: SNAP, C/C#: Tizen API, Java: Samsung-Research ML API). For Web/JS, https://git.tizen.org/cgit/platform/core/api/webapi-plugins/
The official Read Only BeagleBoard and BeagleBone kernel repository https://git.beagleboard.org/beagleboard/linux